Why Networking Is Key To A Successful Close Protection Career

How soon will you secure close protection (CP) work after you finish the course? Well, it all depends on how well you network. It's a tight-knit community where everyone knows everybody else. Networking is not just a tool. It can be critical if you want to get known as a close protection operative (CPO) in such a competitive field.

At Blue Mountain Group (BMG), we know how challenging it is to start a close protection career. Networking after completing your close protection course is imperative. It is the best way for graduates to find, secure, and build a career. This article explains why networking is so important for all newly qualified CPOs.

The Close Protection Industry and Networking

Due to the nature of the work, you need to be adaptable and ready for new job challenges at any moment. As reputation is everything, you want to build strong relationships with all your colleagues and potential employers. A networking mindset can give you more opportunities and a smoother transition into the industry.

CPOs must continuously network to stay informed. It will help you know about things such as:

  • Job Opportunities
  • Trends in the industry
  • Specific client needs

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BMG’s Networking Support After Completing the Close Protection Course

At BMG, we pride ourselves on how well we look after our delegates. A close protection course with BMG isn’t like other courses. We take the discomfort out of networking, especially if you’ve never done it before. We help you understand the importance of networking and how to continue it once you qualify.

Our lead trainer explains it this way: “We don’t just give you a tick in a box—pass, bang, see you later. We stay connected."

Get Access to an Exclusive WhatsApp Group at BMG

Our exclusive WhatsApp group is available for all delegates who have completed the course. BMG’s networking support is an ongoing venture. We stay in touch with our delegates and give them extra support. The benefits of potentially securing work from networking with BMG are unique to our in-demand course.

We also find that many delegates on our close protection course form a sense of a new tribe. These personal connections are also helpful in the security industry. Delegates use our BMG network to share jobs with other BMG graduates if they are not available and working on another contract.

BMG Community Benefits: Job Opportunities and Industry Updates

Our BMG instructors are also active in various industry forums. This “finger on the pulse” mentality allows them to curate job opportunities for graduates. The trainers know the course graduates and can match them with close protection roles. BMG uses this to connect students with local and international job markets.

Networking within the BMG community can help delegates in many other ways. For example, we share real-time job postings so delegates can apply quickly. We also like to give industry updates, such as high-risk events and protests. This information helps CPOs make informed decisions before they take on a role or attend an event.

The Role of Mentorship in Networking

Knowing somebody is on hand to answer tricky questions and give you friendly support can make a big difference in any job. Early in your close protection career, you might have some ideas but want to run them past somebody. That’s where mentorship can help you. It can give you the confidence to make the right choices.

Informal Mentorship That Makes A Real Difference

Our BMG instructors provide informal mentorship beyond the course. The instructors genuinely care and want to see all the graduates succeed in their careers. We find that mentorship helps to strengthen the graduates' networks. It also boosts their life skills as they gain valuable insights from experienced professionals. It can help with:

  • Career advice
  • Job searches
  • Problem-solving tips

The Impact of Networking on Career Development 

Starting a fresh career in close protection might seem daunting. However, networking can help you accelerate career growth in the industry. It can also open up better opportunities for you. You won’t have to rely on old-fashioned job-finding methods, such as sending out speculative CVs or going to job centres.

Continuous Professional Development

Close protection education doesn’t have to be the end of your training. We also provide many other training courses for the security industry. The beauty of it all is that you are starting a new career. Your job interests might change over time, and you can add more security courses to develop your career further.

Continuous professional development (CPD) is essential for any career development. By combining CPD and networking, you are helping yourself become more employable. Both areas work well together and can help send your career to the next level.

The Value of a Trusted Network

A trusted network, such as BMG’s, can enhance a CPO’s reputation. For over 25 years, we have supported our delegates. When you do a BMG course, you train with a recognised brand.  It gives employers confidence in your skills and professionalism as a CPO. It’s that extra sign that they can hire somebody who knows what to do.

It’s like a seal of quality for our graduates. Once trained, you can put BMG on your CV. It shows employers you have trained with one of the most prestigious training companies in the security industry. It will open doors for you and help you expand your network further.

Expanding Your Networking Beyond BMG

As the saying goes, “Your network is your net worth.” Expanding your network beyond BMG can also help your new career. The larger your network is, the more job opportunities you will have. Take the initiative and connect with other close protection professionals, clients, and employers as often as possible.

Networking Strategies You Can Use

A networking mindset gives you more opportunities and a smoother transition into the industry. Here are some other networking strategies you can do to boost your career from day one:

  • Attend industry networking events
  • Join professional organisations
  • Use social media platforms like LinkedIn

How To Get Started in a Close Protection Career

BMG’s community and networking system are unique in the industry. We value the relationships we build with people who have taken our courses. Mentoring, networking, and ongoing support from our BMG Trainers give all graduates a competitive advantage.

Why make things difficult for yourself? We encourage you to sign up for our close protection course and use our networking resources for your close protection career. 
We can’t wait to train you as a close protection operative! Contact us today to learn more about the course and reserve your place.

Our next available CP Course packages:
CP Course + FREC 3 - 24th Feb - 18th March 2025
CP Course - 1-18th March 2025

(Please note that places are limited. We recommend booking early to avoid disappointment. Book here now).

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