Blue Mountain Blog

The Immersive Experience of BMG Close Protection Training: A Delegate's Perspective

Written by BMG Delegate | Sep 20, 2024 1:31:07 PM

I didn’t want one of those simple courses. I wanted it to be tough. I wanted it to stress me out. I wanted it to push me to my limits.” 

These are the words of one of our delegates who recently completed our immersive close protection course. The delegate’s positive experience reflects the effectiveness of the Close Protection Course at Blue Mountain Group (BMG).

This blog post is the first in a series that gives you an inside peek at our life-changing close protection course. Read the nine main highlights from the interview and some insightful quotes from one of our delegates.

1) Experience a Tough but Necessary Challenge

Our intensive training is designed to fully prepare you for the demanding realities of close protection work. One of our delegates described the course as incredibly tough, often pushing him and his peers far beyond their comfort zones. Yet, he acknowledged that this level of difficulty was essential, given the high-risk nature of the profession.

There were moments when he questioned whether he had made the right choice, as the challenges were relentless. But he persisted, pushing himself each day to complete the programme. In the end, after successfully finishing the course, he could reflect and fully appreciate why it had to be so rigorous.

Our rigorous training highlights the reality of the industry, whilst preparing you for the challenges ahead. Our delegate found the course tough and challenging, pushing him and the other delegates out of their comfort zones. However, he explained that he understood why the training was like this. Due to the dangerous nature of close protection work, it was imperative.

Upon successfully completing the course, our cohort quickly realised that Blue Mountain Group (BMG) is on a mission to develop top-tier security professionals, consistently upholding a standard of excellence they take great pride in.

2) Prepare for Real-World Scenarios

Thanks to the course's immersive design, the delegate felt fully immersed in real-life security scenarios every day. These hands-on experiences have instilled a deep sense of confidence, empowering him to step into the security field and take on a close protection role with certainty.

Here are some of the areas that helped our student this confidence on the course:

  • Honed skills in surveillance operations
  • Developing the ability to navigate and respond to unforeseen situations
  • Mastering the intricacies of different footwork drills

He said, “The course wasn’t designed to make you comfortable. It was designed to push you to the limits of what close protection is.

3) Learn the Importance of Planning and Preparation

Unlike many in the field, this delegate didn’t come from a military or police background. With years of experience as a doorman, he was initially surprised by how seamlessly he could transition into the world of close protection. Reflecting on his journey, he wished he had pursued this career path much earlier.

What truly caught him off guard was the immense importance of planning and preparation in close protection work. He had initially assumed the role would focus primarily on physical defence, but the training quickly highlighted the need for meticulous planning and critical thinking in every operation. This newfound understanding reshaped his view of the profession.

One of the key learning experiences for this delegate was the importance of “thinking on your feet”. Agility of thought is a valuable skill for any CPO.

4) Throw Yourself Into Immersive Scenarios

Our delegate especially appreciated the practical exercises, which closely simulated real-world close protection tasks. Facing smoke grenades and simulated attacks, provided an experience that felt as authentic as possible, pushing him to react swiftly and strategically.

These immersive scenarios compelled the delegate to apply his theoretical knowledge under intense, high-pressure conditions. Through this hands-on training, he developed a deeper understanding of the unpredictable nature of close protection work and the importance of staying adaptable in every situation.

By the time I finished the course, I knew the area like my own house. It was drilled into you—know where you're working, know the area.

5) Develop Observation and Body Language Skills

Despite his years of experience as a doorman, he was surprised at how seamlessly he could transition into becoming a close protection operative. Looking back, he wished he had discovered this path sooner and taken the course years ago.

The training sharpened his ability to read body language, analyse behaviour in detail, and how he approached everyday life. Since completing the course, he's become far more observant and attuned to the actions of those around him. This heightened awareness has positively impacted both his personal and professional life.

I watch a lot of things now, a lot more, rather than just going head-on into things. I spend more time observing what people do and how they react.

6) Receive Continuous Support From the BMG Community

Our new community member mentioned the additional value and ongoing support from Blue Mountain Group even after completing the course. Graduates gain exclusive access to the BMG Community, a hub for networking and career opportunities. They can connect with fellow new CPOs and explore job openings shared by the community. High-performing delegates even have the chance to carry the prestigious BMG standard by taking on security tasks worldwide. In this industry, success is built on trusted relationships and a robust security network—a foundation BMG is proud to offer.

One unexpected bonus he discovered after completing the training was the strong sense of camaraderie within BMG. This network not only keeps him connected with peers and trainers but has also been a fantastic resource for ongoing support. The continued engagement within the community has been invaluable, helping him build confidence and feel fully prepared as he transitions from the training environment into real-world close protection work.

7) Enjoy the Power of Interactive Learning

There was a strong appreciation for the trainers' interactive teaching style and their ability to bring the immersive training area at The Old Barracks to life with dynamic, realistic scenarios. The BMG instructors left a lasting impression on our cohort by sharing personal industry experiences at key moments. At BMG, we understand that our training environment isn't a platform for 'war stories' but an opportunity to leverage our extensive experience to give real-world context to the theory.

This dynamic approach made the training not only engaging but also highly effective. The unique teaching methodology made complex concepts easier to grasp, and the lessons truly resonated. The vivid, real-world examples made learning both enjoyable and impactful, turning the training into an unforgettable, thrilling experience.

Chris told stories that made it more believable. I learned more about the medical theory than I’ve ever done on any other first aid course.

8) Understand the Intensity of Close Protection Work

The close protection course demands long days of training, often stretching up to 14 or 15 hours. According to the delegate, the lead trainer emphasised the gruelling nature of close protection work, explaining that the course was designed to simulate the intense, long hours faced in the field.

While the demanding schedule was challenging, it was also a crucial part of the preparation. The delegate recalled feeling exhausted, yet immensely proud of his ability to push through and complete the course. This experience gave him a clear understanding of the mental and physical endurance required to perform the job effectively.

9) Grow from Constructive Feedback

Our delegate greatly valued the feedback from the instructors, especially the lead instructor. With the course’s demanding nature, there were moments when he questioned whether he was on the right path. However, the honest and constructive feedback he received was crucial to his growth, helping him unlock his full potential.

Throughout the course, self-doubt occasionally surfaced for our new tribe member. Yet, the perfect balance of tough love and unwavering support fostered both personal and professional development. This powerful combination helped him overcome his uncertainties and ultimately excel.

You think you’ve done worse than you did, and then when you get the feedback, you think, I actually did a lot better than I thought!

Next Steps?

At BMG, our rigorous, immersive training environment is designed to prepare you for the demanding world of close protection work. This unforgettable experience is not just about training—it's about transforming your approach and mindset for a lifetime.

We provide an unparalleled training experience that thoroughly equips you with the challenges you will face in your close protection career. If our delegate's journey caught your attention, why not take the next step and enrol in our close protection course yourself?

The next Blue Mountain Group CP course options:

Close Protection Course - 1st - 18th March.
Close Protection and FREC 3 Course - 24th Feb - 18th March.

Go ahead and fill out our quick and easy form, and help us Create a Safer World